That title got your attention didn’t it? Yep, it’s pretty much exactly how it sounds; decadent, unnecessary, and delicious.
I decided to make a peanut butter chocolate dessert because my obsession with Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups** are getting out of control. I’m going to Starbucks everyday and saying ‘Just one of these please.’ then I’d be getting so embarrassed that I’d order a coffee just so I wasn’t simply buying the chocolate peanut butter heaven every day. The solution is obviously to make an enormous peanut butter cup for myself.
The crust is basically a peanut butter cookie recipe without the baking soda/powder so it wouldn’t rise, then I added a layer of chocolate, and then chocolate mousse.
Get the full recipe here.
I wish the photos were better but I only made it a few hours before my guests arrived so the mousse wasn’t totally set but it was still f**king tasty. I’ve slowly been eating the rest with my hands every time I open the fridge.
I’m beginning to doubt this is an improvement over my daily search for a Starbucks where they don’t recognize me and I can buy my peanut butter cups incognito.
*After some research I can tell you that Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups are vegan!