I’ve been looking forward to writing this blog post for more than a week. I encourage you all to write your top ten moments from 2015 and not let Facebook tell you what your 2015 highlights are. TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE FROM FACEBOOK! Also it’s fun.
There’s something so satisfying at looking back at a year, good, bad, or just plain fattening. You can say goodbye, be reminded of all the things you actually did and run into the new year ready to make it your b****h. Do people still say that by the way? It seems anti-feminist. Ok whatever, noone is readying past this point anyways.
In no particular order here are my 10 highlights from this past year.
- Going to Iceland. Ok, I sort of starved and I ran a 10k but I’m so glad I have that experience. It was cold and I looked like an idiot the entire time but check that one off the bucket list!
- I held a couple of super clubs! Plus I taught my first cooking class. I learned so much, met some amazing people, really challenged myself and am totally motivated to keep going. I really feel that things happen when you focus on taking as many small steps as possible. Maybe next year I’ll be a full time chef! Or I’ll have finally watched the entire series of Sopranos on HBO, who knows what the future holds.
- I stayed in an orb cabin in the f**king sky like a god.
- Getting laid off. This one is twisted. Getting laid off sucks, especially from a company you love. But I realized I never would have left. There were too many people I just loved so much. In retrospect I see it as the Universe pushing me toward something else. I learned so much, did so many cool things, and met so many beautiful people. Plus the people that have kept in touch or sent me nice notes have made me so grateful and determined to make sure I’m there for them one day. I miss many things but I know someone is making sure I’m on the path I need to be on.
- My kid. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The first year with your kid is up and down and really…REALLY tough. The second year is the danger zone because you might be tempted to do it again because your kid is so hilarious and sassy. Also in all seriousness, my child is clearly gifted and hyper-intelligent, and has the emotional IQ of a genius. She’s so obviously a prodigy that it’s embarrassing. I’m her mother, I can make these unbiased calls.
- My dad got married in Mexico. And the food WAS BETTER THAN SEX. Sorry, Rich would agree.
- We moved! We lived with my mom for a while which was unexpectedly awesome. I wasn’t sure if it would be too many people under one roof but if we didn’t have another house waiting for us…we would have never ever left.
- Shit got real and my friends/family were in it with me. Anyone past the age of 30 can attest that shit starts to get real. Questions like ‘Where should I live?’, ‘What school should my kid go to?’, ‘How will I pay the bills?’ , and ‘Is it too early to have a glass of wine?’ are legit adult problems and my friends were there getting drunk with me to try and figure it out.
- I got a new job! That’s always thrilling and scary but it’s so affirming to have someone say ‘I want you on my team!’.
.I know I’ve forgotten some but I’m rushing because I have to go to the gym because that’s something I do now….like twice so far.
Tell me yours! This was so fun and satisfying so I want to know what awesome stuff everyone else did but if you say the following words I will immediately block you: blessed, beau, hubby, YOLO, or ‘live,laugh,love’. ]